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How to earn royalty on Amazon Kindle ebook KDP in 2024


Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) allows authors to self-publish their ebooks and reach millions of readers on Amazon. As an author, you can earn royalties on each ebook sold through KDP. This guide will walk you through the key steps for earning royalties on Kindle ebooks in 2024.

Part 1 - Publishing on KDP

Sign up for a KDP Account

The first step is to set up a Kindle Direct Publishing account on Amazon. This allows you to upload, publish and manage your ebooks. You can sign up easily with your Amazon login credentials. Make sure to thoroughly complete your account profile.

Choose Book Details

Next, you need to enter all the pertinent details about your ebook like:

- Title and subtitle
- Description - this helps readers find your book and determines if they will buy it
- Categories and keywords - 7 keywords maximum to rank your book for discovery
- Book cover - eye-catching covers have a big impact on sales
- Language
- Rights and pricing

Rigorously check your table of contents, formatting, layout, headers and footers. Any errors can cause publishing failure. Convert your manuscript to a supported format like .DOCX before uploading.

Enroll in KDP Select (Optional)

This is an optional program but it comes with significant benefits:

- Increased book discovery through promotions and ads
- Eligibility for 70% royalty rate
- 5 days every 90 days to run free book promotions

The catch is that your book needs to be enrolled exclusively on Amazon during this period. Make an informed choice about joining KDP Select.

Publish Your Ebook

Double check everything, get your ebook proofread and then hit publish! Your ebook will be live on Amazon within 24-48 hours. Pat yourself on the back, your ebook is now published worldwide!

Part 2 - Book promotions

Run Free Promotions

Consider running free book promotions if you have enrolled in KDP Select. This makes your book free for 5 days every 90 days. Grab this chance to get more readers. Encourage existing readers to download the book during this period. Free downloads increase your book's ranking and visibility.

Advertise on Other Sites

Now get the word out beyond Amazon! Set up author central, a mailing list and blog. Guest post on popular book review blogs. Use social media effectively with relevant hashtags and eye-catching graphics. Run Goodreads giveaways for your book. Consider paid ads on Amazon, BookBub and social media - these can give an excellent boost.

Part 3 - Make Your Book Discoverable

Optimize Title, Subtitle, Description

Keep optimizing these critical fields periodically. Include popular, high traffic keywords that readers are searching for. Tools like KDP Rocket, Publisher Rocket and Kindle Previewer 3 can help gain keyword ideas. Stay on top of latest reader trends.

Categories and Keywords

Choose the 2 most fitting parent categories and maximize the use of your 7 keywords. Only use keywords that tightly describe your book's core focus and topic. Get keyword ideas from Amazon autocomplete and competing top-ranked books in your niche.

Increase Page Count

For the Kindle Store, longer books tend to rank better and build more authority. Aim for over 200 printed pages for most genres. Employ formatting techniques to cleanly and ethically boost your page count, like larger paragraph spacing, font size, landscapes, etc.

Gather Reviews

Nothing builds credibility for a book like reviews. Reach out politely to bloggers and established authors in your niche for reviews and testimonials. Prevent review fatigue by staggering your requests. Give free reviewer copies if required. Reviews take time and effort so appreciate any feedback that comes your way.

Part 4 - Maximize Royalties Earned

Pricing Strategies

When launching: Consider a low introductory price like 0.99 to attract initial downloads, reviews and increased visibility. This can bolster long term sales.
After establishing: Gradually raise your price to between $2.99 ​​to $9.99 based on market standards and demand metrics for your niche. Lesser known authors should price on the lower end initially.

Ebook Formats

Publish across multiple ebook formats, not just Kindle ebooks. Release paperbacks via KDP Print as well as hardcovers. Having print and kindle versions makes each more discoverable. Consider producing audiobooks too, either via Kindle ACX or production companies. Audiobooks have seen immense growth.

KDP Dashboard Analytics

Check your month-on-month sales data, returns, page reads and revenue on the KDP dashboard regularly. Analyze peaks and troughs across days, weeks and months. Identify profitable niches and underperforming areas. Keep testing price points periodically using this data.

Royalty Rates

Earn 70% royalties on books priced $2.99 ​​to $9.99. This applies if your ebook size is between 3MB and 10MB. For ebooks outside this price range or size, royalty drops to 35%. Pages read for Kindle Unlimited also earn royalties per KENP rates. Currency fluctuations impact international sales revenue.

Maximize Sales Channels

Distribute your ebook across multiple platforms beyond just Amazon Kindle, such as: Kobo, Google Play Books, Apple Books and Barnes and Noble Nook. This diversity safeguards against platform-specific algorithm changes and expands your readership. Utilize publishing aggregators like Draft2Digital, PublishDrive and Smashwords.

Translation Rights

Consider selling translation rights of your ebooks via online marketplaces like TranslatorsCafe or Babelcube. Well-written translatable books can earn ongoing royalties this way long after initial sales subside. There is growing global demand for translated ebook content.

Bundled Sets

Bundle your ebooks into combo sets around themes, series or franchises. Bundles attract new readers who get multiple books for a discounted price. Existing readers also find value from a neatly packaged set of related books. Bundles boost discoverability for the individual books within them.

Part 5 - Advanced Monetization

Create an Email List

Building an engaged email subscriber list is invaluable because you can market new releases directly without relying solely on Amazon. Offer an ethical bribe like a free starter library. Segment your list based on past purchases. Personalize content recommendations for subscribers.


Enable pre-order functionality to start building buzz and sales traction even before your next book is finished. Share sample chapters, cover graphics and release updates with your email list. Offer special bonuses only for those who pre-order.

Upsells and Cross-sells

Guide readers to related books once they finish your current book. Insert dynamic ebook links and calls to action for upsells and cross-sells within the actual content. Especially highlight your other books in the ending sections.

Box Sets

Curate and bundle books around specific themes like holiday stories, regional mysteries or poetry anthologies. You can collaboratively create box sets by inviting authors in your genre to contribute a book. Box sets introduce your books to new readers.

Multi-Author Sets

Join multi-author sets in your niche where each author contributes an ebook around a common subject. The collective marketing efforts and existing reader bases give tremendous discoverability. Actively build such collaborative author networks.

Print Books

Print books attract readers who still prefer physical copies. Offer print copies for every ebook using Amazon's KDP Print platform. Print books make ebook versions more visible and vice versa due to Amazon algorithms. Consider hardcovers for dedicated fans.


The Kindle ebook self-publishing movement has democratized the publishing industry. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing puts the power directly in authors' hands. Follow this playbook to publish ebooks, make them discoverable and earn royalties in 2024. With persistence and savvy marketing, your books can find readers globally. Remember to keep innovating, listening to your audience and continuously improving your craft.

